

Constitution Day was celebrated on 26th November 2020, in Mahatma Education Society’s Chembur English High School. Ms Taruna Patel told the significance of the constitution of India. The students were also informed about the Constituent Assembly and were briefed them with the important points about drafting of the Constitution. Teachers and students read the Preamble...
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‘The soul is healed by being with children’ To make our children feel special, Chembur English High School celebrated Children’s Day Celebration virtually with full zeal and zest. We teachers and students were not in the same physical space but were connected digitally. The program contained various activities like speeches, paintings, recitation and songs all...
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Chembur English High School celebrated Virtual Teachers Day with great pomp and enthusiasm. The program was initiated by invoking Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of Knowledge. Teachers Day is celebrated on 5th September every year to pay tribute to the great philosopher, scholar and an exlempary teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. Students expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards...
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Freedom in the mind, Faith in the words… Pride in our souls… Let’s salute the nation on this auspicious day CEHS celebrated 74th Independence Day with extreme joy and enthusiasm on 15th August, 2020. The spirit of freedom and nationalism was well exhibited with the inauguration of the event which was then preceded by the...
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“Inhale the future Exhale the past” International Yoga Day was celebrated virtually by teachers, students and parents on 21st June 2020 at Chembur English High School. Various yoga asanas like Surya namaskara (Sun Salutation), Tadasana (Mountain pose & tree pose), Chakrasana (Wheel pose), Dhanurasana (Bow pose), Utarasana (Camel pose), Bhujangasana ( Cobra pose) & Savasana...
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Mahatma Education Society’s Chembur English High school in collaboration with soroptimist welfare association (SIBC) organised various online activities to mark the world environment day. The children were sensitized towards the environment through various activities spanning the week where students showcased their creativity. students made posters, useful items out of Waste, participated in online quiz competition,...
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